You say: "If Lord Allah had wished, I wouldn’t have explained It to you, nor would I inform you with It. Then verily, I had lived among you for a lifetime before this. Then don’t you think about utilizing your intelligence?"
All the 313 Messengers were sent down with Adhikr-the Truth and Proof, and It was to convey the Message to entire mankind that there is no Deity except Lord Allah and so you serve Him alone as told in verse 21: 24-25. Adhikr revealed to Messenger Muhammad is testifying and safeguarding all previous 312 Books as told in verses 5: 48 and 16: 44. As told in verse 41: 41-42 Adhikr is the Splendid Book in which no falsehood will enter either before or after Its codification; It is revealed from the Self Wise and Self-Praiseworthy. Its safeguard is undertaken by Lord of the universe as told in verse 15: 9. The Arabic Qur’an reading Fujjar who doesn’t utilize their intelligence are falsifying Adhikr. They are following the books written by pseudo-prophets and hypocrites. These soulless and worthless people mentioned in verse 25: 18 will accept the 30th pseudo-prophet Antichrist as a prophet and then even as lord. By the second coming of Jesus, he will kill Satan Antichrist. Then all ‘other-people’ belonging to Messenger’s community will approve Islam. They will kill all the worst creatures mentioned in verses 8: 22 and 55. See the explanations 2: 44; 4: 158-159; 9: 67-68 and 21: 10.